For those interested in a VE-Day trip to Germany with veterans,
please go here: /trip.htm
Concerning the service of Mr. Charles Payne: C.T. Payne was a soldier in the 89th Infantry Division. He served in the 355th Infantry Regiment, Company K. The 355th Infantry Regiment was the unit to liberate Ohrdruf. Mr. Payne was there.
For those who seek to minimize the horrors of Ohrdruf since it was a 'work' camp and not a 'death' camp, we have but one word: shame. Ironically, this argument has been made to us time and time again by various Holocaust-deniers and other pro-Nazi groups. We will let the testimony of survivors and veterans speak for themselves.
It has been recorded that in Ordruf itself the last days were a slaughterhouse. We were shot at, beaten and molested. At every turn went on the destruction of the remaining inmates. Indiscriminant criminal behavior (like the murderers of Oklahoma City some days ago). Some days before the first Americans appeared at the gates of Ordruf, the last retreating Nazi guards managed to execute with hand pistols, literally emptying their last bullets on whomever they encountered leaving them bleeding to death as testified by an American of the 37th Tank Battalion Medical section, 10 a.m. April 4, 1945.
Today I'm privileged thanks to G-d and you gallant fighting men. I'm here to reminisce, and reflect, and experience instant recollections of those moments. Those horrible scenes and that special instance when an Allied soldier outstretched his arm to help me up became my re-entrance, my being re-invited into humanity and restoring my inalienable right to a dignified existence as a human being and as a Jew. Something, which was denied me from September 1939 to the day of liberation in 1945. I had no right to live and survived, out of 80 members of my family, the infernal ordeal of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ordruf, and its satellite camp Crawinkle and finally Theresinstadt Ghetto-Concentration Camp.
Rabbi Murray Kohn
This website has been created to honor the service of the 89th Infantry Division during the Second World War. The 89th, known as the Rolling W, served with distinction during combat operations in Europe from March-May, 1945.
This website was created by 89th veteran Raymond E. Kitchell and his son Mark R. Kitchell. We are grateful to the contributions of histories, stories and pictures from numerous 89th Infantry veterans and their families, and from the 89th Infantry Division Society.
SPECIAL OFFER on A Pictoral History of the REIMAHG:
A dear friend of the 89th, Warrant Officer Patrick Brion of the Belgian Army, has just completed this fantastic book on the REIMAHG underground factory which was liberated by the 89th Infantry Division.
In 1944, the construction of one of the biggest underground aircraft factories in the Third Reich, the "REIMAHG" (Meaning "Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring", started.
The factory emerged in and around the Walpersberg Mountain near Kahla, Thuringia with the goal to produce the jet aircraft Me 262. In nearly one year a subterranean network of kilometers of tunnels, a runway on top of the mountain, massive bunkers, workshops, railroad connections and camps for over 12,000 people were built.
The book "The REIMAHG – a pictorial history" illustrates for the first time the history of this factory with over 400 pictures.
It is and should be a memory and an reminder of this history, that was nearly forgotten or wanted to be forgotten.
The author has conducted for nearly 18 years a worldwide and intense research about the history of the "REIMAHG", before publishing this book.
The book can be purchased for 35 Euros plus postage by contacting Patrick at PatrickBrion AT hotmail.com
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