Remembrances: Gerry Stearns and Raymond Kitchell: The War Ends--Our Experiences at Shrivenham University

Many 89ers were ASTPers, i.e., those who participated in the Army Specialized Training Program in selected Colleges and Universities for training as doctors, engineers, language and area specialists and other fields the Army felt a need for now and in the future. This program, however, was abruptly terminated when the Army had an unexpected manpower needed for the invasion of Europe and most of the now ex-ASTPers suddenly found themselves in the Infantry for the first time. The 89th Infantry Division, which was converted from a light to a heavy division, i.e., 9000 to 15000 soldiers) received approximately 3000 of them. On our website, the story of those who had attended Oregon State College is displayed as are the personal stories of some others.
After the war. an American University was temporarily set up in Shrivenham, England. It operated at the undergraduate level and offer courses in most major fields. A second American University was established in Biarritz, France. For many, this was a unique opportunity while waiting for discharge. The teaching staff was recruited/contracted from universities in the States or available within the ranks in the ETO. The experiences of two soldiers are described just below.
Waiting for the Boat, by Geary Stearns
The Beginning of Life Hereafter, by Raymond Kitchell

Shrivanham Today