Combat Introduction

This is highly condensed and edited version taken primarily from our official history. It is, provided here for the purpose of acquainting website readers with background on the unique pre-combat history of the 89th Infantry Division in World War II, from its reactivation in 1942 to its arrival in France in 1944.
For an outline of the Divisions's Organization please go to Division Organization
That the 89th was in combat for but eight weeks does not lessen its achievement; contribution to total victory cannot be measured in terms of combat hours and battle casualties alone. Its men are justly proud of their record, both as a unit and as an expression of the high ideals of the American people.
Combat History is divided into the following sections:
- Preparing for Combat:
The Division was reactivated in June of 1942. Between then, and December of 1944, the Division took on men, equipped and trained for combat.
- Landing in France:
In January of 1945, the Division landed in Le Harve and make its way to Camp Lucky Strike.
- Crossing the Moselle:
On March 11th, the 89th entered combat at the Moeselle River.
- Rhine Crossing:
The 89th saw significant combat crossing the Rhine River (and saw its greatest losses) in the area of St. Goar.
- Central Europe:
From the Rhine to war's end in Zwikau.
- VE to VJ Day:
The Division takes up occupation duties, runs the Cigarette Camps and prepares to move to the
Japanese theater of war. The division is disbanded when Japan unexpectedly surrenders.