Winter 2006 Newsletter
For all veterans, relatives and friends of the
89th Infantry Order of Battle: April 1945, provided by Patrick Brion
Table of Contents: Click on the Link Below to Go To That Section:
Editor's Notes and Society Annoucementd
Website Developments
Letters and Exchanges
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Editor's Notes and Society Annoucements
Dear 89th Family:
Things are good here in Washington, DC. My father sends his best regards to all of his 89th Division comrades. He is doing fine considering that the Alzheimer's won't get better.
Please share with us any remaining stories and photographs that you have about your time in the 89th Division. Currently, we have a backlog of at least 3-4 years of unpublished histories, stories and pictures from old TRWs. However, when these accounts are published, there will be no more first-hand accounts of your experiences.
Stories can be sent via Word, or simply Post mailed if they are not yet in electronic format. Photographs can be scanned and emailed, or Post mailed to Mark and will be returned to you (obviously, we prefer all submission to be emailed). Please contact Mark at markkitchell@yahoo.com, or phone me at 202-265-9411 for more information. Of course, any offers of web design help or financial contributions are always welcome. I am happy to report that the www.89infdivww2.org website will remain as one of the historical tributes to our service well into the 21st century.
Message from the 89th Infantry Division Society of WWII
Just to let you know that technically our Society has not yet completely terminated our existence. In as much as we were incorporated as a non-profit in the state of Colorado we had to ask the Secretary of State of Colorado to terminate our corporation. The permission was granted but there was a provision that we can continue to exist only for and until such time as we have settled all of our pending business especially the financial aspects. We feel obliged to continue our existence primarily to permit us to carry on in order to pursue the petitioning of the IRS for refunds penalties we were obliged to pay due to inadvertent late submission to the IRS of our tax returns for years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 (mainly attributable to the period during which Larry Berg was too ill to handle such matters which was exacerbated by the inattentiveness of the CPA Larry hired for audits of our accounts over the years). Since we believe that there were justifiable extenuating circumstances we've submitted an appeal to the IRS asking for the refund of the total of $7,111.70 in penalties we've paid -- and at the same time trying to bringing into play support from the two U.S. Senators from Colorado plus the pertinent member of the U.S. House of Representatives of the district in Colorado in which our designated agent (our treasurer, Herb Herbaly) lives. Wish us luck." [This message received from Chick]
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Website Developments
The Wikipedia Internet Encyclodedia contains an entry for the 89th Infantry Division.
We welcome stories, comments, pictures, and questions from all veterans, their families and any other interested parties. It would help us very much if, when emailing us, you include the following background information if available:
1. The veterans full name and 89th unit, e.g., regiment, battalion, company.
2 Any previous exchanges with us on the subject (very important).
3. Whether the vet is still with us. If not, do you wish us to keep his name on our email list, marked "deceased", in care (c/o) of your name and email address?
4. Other relevant background.
Thank you. Co-webmasters
The email list on the website is no longer being maintained has been taken off the website. We have found spammers take these emails for commercial purposes. If you would like to contact a specific member, please drop me an email.
We received the following questions from Sgt. Patrick Brion of the Belgian Army.
Question for the Veterans
Dear Veterans of the 89th,
I am still researching for information, testimonies and above all pictures of the 89th and its units during Mid-April 1945. Hre are some questions, of which I hope to get some reaction :
1. Task Force Crater (TFC) was formed on the April, 11th 1945 with the following units :
* A Coy, 707th Tk Bn
* A Coy, 602nd TD Bn
* 89th Recon Tp, Mechanized
* First Bn, 353rd Infantry Regiment
* 340th Arty Bn
* 1 Platoon, C Coy, 314th Engineer
Who has memories of this Task Force?

Image Supplied by Patrick Brion
1. I am looking for Lt. Col H.S. Streeter, who commanded the TFC. He isn't in the 89th book. Could he be the CO of the 707th?
2. The 89th crossed the Saale river on the 13th/14th April 1945 by means of a pontoon. Who has pictures of that sort of equipment and maybe of the mentionned crossing?
3. Who has memories about the underground aircraft factory near Grosseutersdorf ("REIMAHG", Me262 jetplanes)?
4. Who has memories of the cooperation with the Belgian Army unit, the 16th Fusiliers Battaillon?
5. Who has memories about the DP camps around Kahla. Especially the camp number 7 in the Leubengrund valley, where the survivors who weren't able to be evacuated by the SS, were left.
6. Who has memories of contact with German units around Mid-April when crossing the Saale river? Especially the Volkssturm units.
7. Does anyone have any pictures of the underground plant, the labour camps?
Thank you in advance !
With kind regards
Patrick Brion
Warrant Officer
Hi Mark,
I have just received an image (photo) of German and US soldiers. It seems that this is taken in Hummelshain Mid-April 1945.
Would it be possible to put it on the website and ask the veterans about it?
Thank you

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Edward Quick Battery B, 340th Field Artillery: from Darrel Carnell
I just received word from Mary Jane Quick that Ed has passed away.
Ed and I had a lively exchange of emails and it was he who played a large part in creating the History of Battery B, copies of which were provided to each of you several years ago. Also, Ed created a pictorial album of our wartime exploits, which I think he also sent to you.
Ed and I had a close relationship during the time he lived in Indian Harbour Beach, which is about 90 or so miles distant from my home in Ormond Beach. We visited in each other's homes three or four times a year to refight the war, which I am pleased to report the good guys won each time.
Ed was an accomplished cabinet maker and among his many other projects, made a miniature windmill for Erna, a native of The Netherlands. The windmill depicted below is still spinning in my front yard.

I hadn't heard from Ed for a week or ten days so I telephoned his home on Sunday, November 27 to learn that he had fallen in his apartment and fractured his tibia, the large leg bone between knee and ankle. Mary Jane told me that Ed was still in the hospital, although he was scheduled to be moved in a day or two to the convalescent care center of the retirement complex in which they live. Only yesterday I mailed him a get well card in which I joked that I was unsuccessful in finding a Purple Heart to commemorate his injury. It was thus a shock when Mary Jane called today to advise that Ed had peacefully passed away. His prostate cancer had spread to his bones, and was the cause of his demise.
Your condolences may be addressed to Mary Jane Quick at [contact me at markkitchell@yahoo.com for address or phone number. I didn't want to post her details on the internet]
I hope this is the last death notice I'll be sending for a few years. There are too few of us left!
Here is Ed Quick's obituary as published in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review:
Edward C. Quick
Edward Clemmer Quick, a longtime Pittsburgh resident, died Friday, Dec. 2, 2005. Ed grew up in Edgewood and graduated from Edgewood High School. He was a World War II veteran, serving in the 89th Division, 340th Field Artillery Battalion, Battery B. He saw combat in Europe, and was part of the force that liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp. He returned to Pittsburgh and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in mechanical engineering. After graduating from Pitt, Mr. Quick entered the management training program at Mesta Machine Co., West Homestead. He was trained in all aspects of the business, beginning his career on the factory floor. He worked his way up through the ranks of the company as production manager, general superintendent, vice president of operations and ultimately director, chairman, president and chief executive officer. He was a member of the original board of directors of South Hills Health System and served as chairman. He also was a member of the board of directors of Gateway Rehabilitation Center (1978-1992) and served as chairman. His wisdom, leadership, guidance, support and generosity helped Gateway achieve international recognition for the quality of its programs. He was a master craftsman, a deep and logical thinker, a delightful storyteller and a loving husband and father. He will be missed dearly. Mr. Quick is survived by his wife, Mary Jane; children, Linda Curry (John), of Albuquerque, N.M., Sally Dudash (Steve), of Raleigh, N.C., Bill Quick (Julie), of Denton, Md., and Nancy Langer (Jeff), of Pittsburgh; 11 grandchildren, and brother, Bob Quick, of Kettering, Ohio. Visitation from 2 to 4 p.m. Monday at MCCABE BROS. INC. FUNERAL HOME, 6214 Walnut St., Shadyside. Burial private. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Family Hospice and Palliative Care, 50 Moffett St., Pittsburgh, PA 15243.
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Letters and Exchanges
[If you sent a message intended for publication in our Newletters but does not appear in the next
issue, please inform me and we will check it out.]
Photos of John Victory Simon, from his daughter
We received these wonderful phots from the daughter of John Victor Simon- HQ Co., 353rd Inf. His daughter can be reached at suzannedietz@adelphia.net.
Dear Mark,
Am attaching a few of the photos of my father and some buddies. I have already located some families of the men who served with my dad and hope I could contact the others. Many of his photos do not have any writing but these did:

Eddie ?(last name not written), Al Widina, John V. Simon (my father). The date is '46 Berchtesgaden. Dad said it was the most beautiful place in Europe and always wanted to return, but passed away before he had the chance. I went there.
left to right, Mr. & Mrs. Massey, John Simon, & Len ?. Aug. '45 1946 Field Rd., Bloxwich, Walsall Staffs England
Jim Beck Sept. 27 1945
20 Grand Nov. 12 '45 Herbert Hoover PA - Hugh Hayes Missouri
Our Home" 20 Grand, France Jim ?, Gord ? & John (my dad)
If you could post these as you suggested I would appreciate it. I would make copies for the men or their families.
Thank you.
Suzanne Simon Dietz
Oridinary Heros, by Scott Turow
[I received a copy of this book from famous author Scott Turow. Its quite good and I recommend it for some well-research fiction on the Third Army-Mark]
On November 1, Farrar Straus and Giroux will publish my novel, Ordinary Heroes, which focuses on a lawyer serving as a member of the Third Army's staff Judge Advocate from October, 1944 until the end of WWII. The book required extensive research, which brought me to your website, although it is of course a novel that takes small liberties with the historical record.
If you would care to read the novel, I will arrange for Farrar Straus to send you a copy. If you like the book, naturally I'd be grateful if you could make any reference to it which is appropriate on your site, or otherwise spread the word.
Very truly yours,
Scott Turow
Order Ordinary Heros Here.

Soldiers to Citizens: The GI Bill and the Making of the Greatest Generation, by Suzzan Mettler
[This is a tremendous book that I HIGHLY recommend. Our own Richard Colosimo contributed to this book-Mark]
Dear Mr. Kitchell,
Richard Colosimo informed me that you have taken on the
responsibilities as webmaster for the 89th Division, and that you might
like to include information about my book on the website. I am so
appreciative of your willingness to do this. My book, SOLDIERS TO
based largely on my surveys (in 1998) of over 1500 members of the World
War II generation, including a few hundred of the 89th Division, and
in-depth interviews with about 30 veterans nationwide, also including
some in the 89th, such as Richard. The 89th is an amazing group. The
fact that these men helped liberate concentration camps, on top of
everything else they did, is awe-inspiring.
The main focus of my book is that when they came back home, they
became active citizens in peacetime, and the GI Bill helped facilitate
Order Soldiers to Citizens Here.

Letters from Charles L. Dilks
A friend of mine, who does not have email, has asked me to write you.
He recently gave a collection of letters to the University of Rochester Library that his uncle by marriage, Charles L. Dilks, wrote during World War II. Dilks served in the 89th Division.
The collection has been processed and the register is online at the University of Rochester Department of Rare Books and Special Collections website.
An easy way to call it up would be to [the actual letters are not online] Click Here. He would be pleased if you would link it to your website.
First German Captured by the 89th?
My father was in the 89th ID, 354th I believe. His service in WWII had a lifelong impact on him. Oddly, he never spoke of the war until six weeks before his death in 1999. In that short time he told many stories of the war.
One story that comes to mind is how he became the first German captured by the division. He and fellow soldiers were on a scouting mission and came across a German camp. The Germans knew they were coming and had abandoned their positions. They had left potatoes boiling on a fire and had left their rifles and their clothing. My father and his buddies decided to have some fun and my father put a German officer's coat over his shoulders and proceeded to be escorted back to camp at gunpoint. When they entered camp they all began to laugh and the joke was up. It was a small joke that relieved some stress. They were naive about what was about to come their way.
In the late fifties my uncle found a copy of Rolling Ahead in an "antique" shop in Visalia, California. It is a small book or pamphlet describing the story of the 89th ID in Europe. If you do not have a copy I am willing to scan it and send it to you.
Thanks for the great website.
Dan L. Wilson
Hudson, OH
89ers in the Czech Resistance
Mr. Kitchell:
My name is Matt Kime, I am a Captain in the US Army
stationed at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. I am writing a
book about the liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1945.
In one of your old newsletters was a copy of a Czech
Army Commendation certificate for the 354th Infantry
Regiment. It was submitted by a Mr. Jerry Schuster of
Oklahoma. It lists 5 Rolling W soldiers who escaped
from a German POW Camp in Mokrosuky, near Susice,
Czechoslovakia. They joined the Czech resistance and
helped to liberate the town.
I speak the Czech the language and was back in the
Czech Republic in May 2005 for the 60th Anniversary of
World War II on temporary duty with the US defense
Attache Office. One of my jobs was to represent the
Embassy by giving a speech in the town of Susice. In
my speech I mentioned the role of the 89th Division
soldiers from Company M and how their actions helped
bring the 4th Armored Division into the town before
the SS could massacre the people.
I searched the National Archives Prisoner of war
database to very the identity of these 89th Division
soldiers. They came from Comapny M, 354th Infantry
Regiment. I also learned that they were captured on
or around 12 April 1945.
To write the account of the liberation of Susice, I
would like, if possible, to know more about these men
and the circumstances of their capture, and how they
ended up in Czechoslovakia. I hope that one of them
might still be alive or a surviving vet might have
known one of them. The names are:
2LT Joseph R. Zutell
SSG Fred H. Jasper
PFC Worn E. Drew
PFC Arlen L. Ingram
PVT Byron S. Mooney
My contact info is:
CPT Matt Kime
110 Luke Street
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
phone: (520) 452-0034
lt2mk@rocketmail.com or
Members of C Company, 354th Infantry
Dear Mr. Hall,
In assisting a friend obtain information on the WWII service of his father I noted your father was a member of C Company 354th Inf. as was my friend's father. If your father is still with us can he remember Pfc. Jack Jasper, a 5' 4" rifleman originally from Richmond, Virginia, and no doubt a
replacement arriving in France on Jan 10, 1945. He was 18 years old when he arrived in France.
If you know of any other C/354 members who might help I would appreciate either passing my e-mail to them or providing me with their contact information.
Many thanks in advance.
Alfred Hahn
[If you knew Jack Jasper, please email Al Hahn at alhahn1@comcast.net]
89th Infantry in Luisenthal
[This is the first of two great exchanges with former Thueringer resident Rolf Moeller who remembes the 89th well, as it liberated his part of Germany.]
Hallo Raymond- Mark, time ago I wrote to you for maybe to find some hints about 89 Infantry activity around Ohrdruf in April 1945. Mark wrote me back he had given my request to all the 89 Veterans who had fight that time there and where listed in the website mail addresses. Thank you Mark for doing so.
I received a 1 only mail from Cecil Boyd, which I like to attach.
The mail I sent him back I will attach either. Checking out the list of mail addresses from your site, I found that Cecil Boyd's is not exactly the same it is listed there.
Realizing that Soldiers who came home from the 2.WW where around 80 and above years old and also not only a few passed away. But it seems that many the men serving with the 89 Infantry came from that Army Specialized Training Program and where therefore the younger ones in the US Army.
So I still hope to find some of them who fought in the Thueringer Wald and regencies Place and Villages around Ohrdruf and specially Luisenthal , by passed from 89th in an opinion given from Cecil Boyd.
Mark I would also very much appreciate if you or Father Raymond could give me hints where to find Information for Haulage or Pioneering activities during the campaign in Thueringen.
I really hope I don't annoying you too much and hear back from you
Greetings from Edendale New Zealand Rolf Moeller
[This is the email from Cecil]

[Here is the detailed response from Rolf. These are amazing memories of a then 10-year old boy in Germany. A great effort especially considering his first language is not English.]
Hallo Cecil, thank you very much for the mail I received from you.
But may I ask you if there is another link to gather information about some of the occupation troops when maybe right guessed by you the 89th by-passed Luisenthal including Stutzhaus and Schwarzwald both independent communities till 1954. Luisenthal lies at the railway Gotha- Graefenroda one station before Crawinkel. Stutzhaus and Schwarzwald now both part from Luisenthal lying further up the Ohra stream valley on an ancient trade route connecting Thueringen with North Bavaria.
There is an old castle tower on the Kienberg where in ancient time the masters of thus Kaefernburg watching the movement on the route up to the summit of the Thuringia forest. And also of course took tax from the horse pulled wagons. Horseman with there teams living at the foots on the hill would help to pull up the heavily loaded carts the steep hill to the top. The US Army didn't need help to with their huge 10-wheeled trucks for caring petrol in jerry cans up. Down back where brought German PW loaded like sardines in cans.
I like to tell you how I remember as a nearly 10-year-old boy the last days of WW 2. The week before Easter a squad of approximate 30 to 40 Ukraine SS in two yellow canvas covered Army trucks camped in our village. People are whispering that suppose they would guard KZ inmates working at a secret Building project in the so-called Jonastal back to the concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar.
As Hitler Youths starting building tank barriers and the road bridge over that Ohra stream would prepared for blasting up, the people in the houses around that bridge would be urged to leave their homes. Together with neighbors we got in hiding for 2 nights in a small creek opposite our houses on the Kienberg at the left site of that Ohra stream. There was cold at night and my Grandfather, a WW1 Veteran, decided to go back home and hide in case in our tiny house cellar, which he had braced for stronger after a tank weeks ago where brought in position behind our house and pointing its cannon at the mentioned before bridge. But that tank with its 1 man only crew went and every one around was happy, except me and not my same age neighbor friend Herbert either.
Grandfather was saying they wouldn't be that stupid and blow the bridge up! But speaking so in those days could cost his life if any one from the loyal Nazi-vassal's would hear that. Heaven thanks my Stepmother wasn't at home and did hear it. May be she was organizing the Were-Wolf what she was indent to do after she had burnt all Nazi-showing papers and photographs including my and my sisters school-reports before we leave the house the first time. She wasn't also home when we leave second time.
Grandmother implored her husband to do so after we heard Soldiers where going in position behind the house in the wood.
We than where following the neighbors to an old tunnel dig into the hill and used as a brewery cellar.
The damp cellar was overcrowded the door hat be halt open because of not enough breathing air. One only always-flickering light bulb was the lighting. It was to connect to cable running from water wheel driven generator in the close by "Vogt Werke". So was a radio too. It would be tried to improve the air with oxygen in bottle, usually just for tapping beer, but it did help much and also the bottle where soon empty.
People run out for fresh air and run quickly in again as it was shoot on a small scout plane out of the wood on the Kienberg. Bad Soldiers Grandfather said, given the enemy their position. How old would thy have been thus not well trained boy soldiers urged to fight and give there young life for that gang of criminals ruling Germany.
"Our Fuehrer and canceller had lost his life during fighting against the Bolshevistic and for Deutschland at his commando post at the Reichskanzelei", the propaganda secretary Goebel announced and we heard out of the radio sitting at suitcases and basket in the old ugly and damp brewery cellar and waiting for the American arriving. It was grave still after that announcement someone had pulled the plug from the radio. Every one was still in fear of the regime. Very hard to understand from people who grow up in really democratic systems I found out years later.
I remember dreaming in the night after from the Fuehrer standing between Hitler Youths before a huge house and shooting with his pistol towards Russian soldiers at the street corner. From sitting on a couch together with his girlfriend and shooting cowardly a bullet in that head which brewed together the huge crime the mankind experienced, I wouldn't be aware than.
I saw the first American Soldier the next morning behind a German civilian pointing his rifle at him. I remember his backpack looking like a box not the same, as German Soldier would carry. They didn't find any military personnel and we could leave our hiding. The next 2 American we saw beside the entrance to the cellar by opening to search firewood shed close by. I still see one, a big tall man, kicking with a mighty footstep the door open. Over a detour we heard that the road bridge was destroyed, we made our way home. It was calm and still no other Soldiers or any vehicle was been seen. Grandmother says the War most be finished. We would be greeted by the goats liberated from their chains jumping between shell splinters in the yard. All doors where wide open, the first World War soldier urged not to look them. He also had ordered to hang out the windows from the frames and close the wooden shutters before we left.
Nothing much was broken an only one paving stone had come through the shutter and laying in the upper launch. The destroyed road bridge lying down with the southern end in the stream beet. Tanks or vehicles coming from south out of Thuringia Forest couldn't possible drive over that.
We hung back the windows into there frames Grandfather nailed a piece of plywood over the hole in the shutter the paving stone had made, and because of nightfall we closed the shutters again. I ask why we do that? Hadn't I not learned that in wartime only the windows most be covered that no light falls at the outside? Was the war finished or not? It still wasn't for us. Shooting erupted as one Grandmother took the kerosene lamp and the other one lighting the fire in the kitchen stove. Down in the cellar in presence of mind Grandfather scouted and trampled at the burning woodchip who fall out the stove. So we sitting in the cellar and heart the projectiles whistling forward and back over the house.
As thus shooting ceased for a time I had to go for toilet and not allowed to take a candle with me I stumbled up the stairs. Rumble from vehicles woke me up. As I indented to open the window shutter my Grandmother shouted don't do that they have shoot the whole night above the house may be they will shoot into it. I had heard nothing about also not when my Grandmother together with my 2 sister came up.
I slept in after lack of sleep several nights before. So I sneaked out the back door and by hiding behind the corner I saw the bridge brought by in sections with low level vehicles and connected together. Very exciting for a ten year old to see that seems huge steel suspension bridge was pushed over the road gap. Two of the big 10 wheeled arriving from south crossed first.
They drove not far stopped by the collapsed roof of the dancing hall from the "Gasthaus zur Kaenfernburg". There they where expected from an officer together with some soldiers, I had heard later where coming a detour way beside the mill and trough the water behind the weir which was flooded open.
The 10 wheeled one couldn't pass through the narrow way between the houses leading to the weir.
Material in cases and boxes seems to be electric or electronic one brought out under the rubble would be loaded on the lories and as the hat driven away heaps of yellow insolated fine copper wire would left behind. People wove doormats and basket from tough much better use as in V rockets made for killing and destruction.
After a few days in use that Pioneer bridge ware replaced with a wooden one, which ware prepared on a place close to my Grandfather's and his Brother-in-law's joinery shop. I'm wondering may be one from the pioneer carpenter took a picture from they finished work and remember the logo Moller & Triebel at the shop wall. Germans weren't allowed to take photos.
Cameras and radios like arms ware confiscated from them at that time. As mentioned before the big 10 wheeled trucks made the mostly the traffic from north to the south and back till to the end of June 45 than it runs only south for few days and ceased after.
Every one was wondering that thus wooden bridge could resist the heavy traffic runs over it for 2 months. However not any tank drove over, one of the tanks loaded on a low-level trailer hat to turn back and made a huge traffic jam. Also the Russian T34 didn't trust the wooden bridge and turned. Soon before Winter 1945 a reinforced concrete slab was poured over the wooden construction. Surely the spring high water would flood it away.
There are also incidents I experienced before the US troops entered our villages and like to recall them.
As the Hitler Youth soldiers built the barriers to trap the American expected coming from south direction 2 fighter plans attacked them and damages because of bad sight in the narrow valley the church windows and the vicarage beside. Hits from the projectiles in the plaster where seen long time after the war.
Than war the incident I remember that clear as my Grandmother call me in. In our tiny kitchen an SS Officer wearing a grey leader's coat sitting behind the table another soldiers not seeming to be SS leaning at the cupboard. Hi was wearing a camouflage tarpaulin like a stole. A smaller size rifle could easy been hide under it. Grandmother stands anxious beside her stove. I would be asked to show the man the way beside the main road towards south. They insisted to go in front of them till we reached together the woods. Coming back from the mission Grandmother says: "Das waren keine Deutschen" They where not Germans and I realized that they said Auf Wiedersehen not Heil Hitler that all German soldiers where urged to salute with after the assassination attempt of the "Fuehrer" in July 1944.
About the underground aircraft factory captured at 10th April did you mean the one in Kahla or maybe the tunnel who where dug from Concentration camp inmates under SS supervision and supposed to get an another hiding bunker for Hitler in the Jonastal short distance from Crawinkel towards Arnstadt? Late autumn 44 SS took over the command from the military training area Ohrdruf and the aircraft ammunition depot close to Crawinkel and brought Inmates from Buchenwald main camp first into empty bunkers and in tents and established after the Ohrdruf Nord camp. Well know and described from the US Army soldiers who came there first.
Dear Cecil I to hope not annoying you too much and bringing back bad test of the horrible time you had in that war. It wasn't my intention to do so. By writing down my upbringing I was at first stumbling over the date the date when the American did arrive. And by making inquiries for that more and more memory came back. Memories on the terrible wartime and also recognizing with what brutally the ruling Nazi treaded human who didn't fit in their racial policy brewed together in that sick head that Adolf Hitler.
But much more terrible are that still brainless people to believe in that so s**t came out from him. Should not every one who eyewitness all that cruelty what dictatorship will produce, speak loud against any attempt to glorify the Nazism and all other know dictatorship?
89th Signal Company
Mr. Kitchell: Please add me to your email listing. My Father served with the 89th (Motor Messenger Section of the 89th Signal Company). His name is Cornelius D. Woodard, and he landed in LeHavre, France, in January 1944. I would be interested in knowing if there are any surviving members of the Motor Messenger Section, 89th Signal Company that are part of your organization. Thank you for your time.
[If you have any memories of the Motor Messenger Section, please email DANA-SHARON@peoplepc.com]
Joe Parket of the 353rd Infantry
My Dad,Joe Parker, was in the 353rd infantry. He crossed over in 1990. I would love to hear more about him and everyone in the 353 rd regiment. Can anyone help? He would be 93 now. Thank You, Jody Parker Dupont. Dmrwizard@aol.com
Did you know S/Sgt. Roger Meyers
[If you knew S/Sgt. Roger Meyers please contact rogermyers1947@yahoo.com]
Hi Mark
Do you have any details on S/Sgt. E.W. Myers, 353rd Regiment, Company B? I contacted Chuck Kitching, 354 IR, Co A. who sent me a list of a bunch of guys who were Myers....in that list (and on yours as well) was S/Sgt EW Myers. Chuck identified him as having received a CIB and from his letter it looks like this Myers might have served in Company B and Company C...but I am not sure about that. The CIB would fit my father (even though his discharge papers did not show it)....and, his actual name was Eugene William Myers...but his discharge papers showed only William Myers. I wonder if this could be him?
Can you tell me what Company B's assignment would have been?
I have no idea of his unit....If you recall our correspondence of several months ago I indicated that my father had made subtle references to liberating/associated with the liberation of a concentration camp (presumably Ohrdruf), leading(?) nighttime convoys (presumably "supply"), demolition of a bridge near a German encampment under the cover of darkness and the fear associated with being shelled and under enemy fire.
The only "hard evidence" I have at this point is a Rolling W patch (subdued) and his dishcarge papers that award him the Central Europe Campaign medal. I have that medal and a CIB (but his papers do not note the CIB). I know that the 89th was credited with the Central Europe Campaign.
I also know (from a photograph) that he was at the Remgagen Germany Prisoner of War Temporary Enclosure (PWTE) sometime in late May and/or June 1945. He was a Motor Pool sergeant at that time. I also have a photograph of him and a Byron Monson taken in England dated March 5, 1945 while on an apparent leave. He was originally with the Army Air Corps stationed at Burtonwood Base, Warrington England as an aircraft mechanic in October 1943. A newspaper clipping in a local paper noted that he was a Sergeant "serving at an undisclosed base somewhere in England) at the turn of 1944-1945.
It is my belief that he would have been a replacement troop joining the 89th sometime in March 1945 and with the Division until he was transferred to the PWTE in Germany (as noted above). He eventually was discharged as Sergeant, 69th Amphibian Tractor Bn (a unit formed out of the deactivated 69th Tank Battalion at Ettersberg Germany in July 1945). I have been told that the 69th AmTracBn was likely training for an invasion of Japan. My father returned to the U.S. in December 1945.
So, all that to say that I am looking for either....a mention of his name at minimum...and a unit to which he was assigned would be icing on the cake!!
[Another email from Roger follows. We did find a R E Meyers on the roster.]
Hi Mark
I am wondering if you show a Russell Meyers (Champaign, Illinois) as a member of the 89th Division Association...he would be the son of Russell F. Meyers? I recall a Meyers on the roster, but can not remember if it was this one.
The reason for my inquiry is that there was an article in the Burtonwood Times (Burtonwood Base [England]) magazine written by a gentleman who served there during the same time my father did....he was transferred into the infantry at about the same time my father was and ended up in Germany in the same location as my father..of course, I found that all very interesting. This, plus the listing of a new member (Russell Meyers, son of Russell F. Meyers) made me recall a Meyers on the 89th list and I started wondering if by chance the Meyers on the 89th list might have also served previously at Burtonwood and ended up in the 89th as a replacement troop.
You will recall that my father had an 89th patch, but I can not find him directly connected to the Division....however, the book Good Soldiers talks about replacements at about the time that I know my father was transferred from Burtonwood into an infantry division. I know that this is another long-shot, but worth checking out in case...I am always chasing threads hoping to pick up information or sources of information that will help me put it all together.
I have pretty much concluded that if my dad did serve with the 89th, it would have been between mid-March, 1945 and late April or early May, 1945 (at which time I can document him with the 106th Division at Remagen, Germany)...and he would have been assigned to a unit that was transporting supplies and men for the 89th....I don't know if it would have been at the regiment or Hq level.
Sorry for the rambling....I guess my primary question was about Russell Meyers...and feel free to throw in any other "thoughts". Thanks much.....Roger Myers
Freeway to Jena/Thuringia
Dear Sir or Madam,
Your website is very interesting. My name is Lars Krause and I am doing
some research for a chronicle of Toeppeln, a small village in east
Thuringia. Particularly I am interested in the facts on the invasion of the
89th division to Gera (Thuringia). If I got the information right, the
89th division came to Gera via Grossebersdorf, didn't they?
My question now is, whether the 89th division came along the freeway
via Weimar and Jena to Gera? Is that right?
I am also seeking for contact to veterans of the Third army who came to
Gera this way. I am extraordinary interested in the events which took
place between Hermsdorf / Bad Klosterlausnitz, Oberndorf, Kraftsdorf,
Rüdersdorf, Pörsdorf / Mühlsdorf to Töppeln and Gera in Germany,
My website is www.toeppeln.de . There, any information about me and my
work will be provided. But at the moment, the page is still not
complete, because it is under construction.
I hope, that you can help me with my request and I would be very
delighted if you can send me any information or contacts.
Best regards,
Lars Krause.
Robert-Erbe-Straße 7
D-07552 Gera
Phone: ++49 (0) 365 - 4211775
Mobilphone: ++49 (0) 174 - 7436755
email: Lars.Krause@web.de
Wallace William
My Grandfather Wallace William Leaf served in this unit. I have his honorable discharge paper and many many photos but was wondering what the company name was.
I know he served in Germany, France and India. He was in the Rhineland central Europe campaign. He served between oct. 22nd 1944 to jan. 5th 1946. This is the only information I have.
Any help you can offer would be wonderful for our family tree.
I have a son that is in the Marines and is deploying Feb of 06.
Thank you again
Twyla Leaf
Charles Coby
I was wondering if you or any one in your group has heard of my great uncle Charles Coby. If so could you tell me what he was like and what he accomplished since he died well before I was born. He was in the 602nd td battalion scouts. Thank you very much,
Kyle Danielsen
Images of Ohrdruf
My father-in-law was in the first group that went into Ohrdruf. He had his Brownie Box camera and took nearly two dozen pictures inside the camp. Over the years the photos have been sent to various government agencies and all but seven original pics have "dis-appeared" and were not sent back. Many years ago I scanned these last remain "original" pictures, before the remaining "disappeared".
Here are the remaining pics, use caution when opening, they are very
graphic in nature. My father in law is Warren G.H. Reed. Mr. Reed served in
WWII, Korea, and Vietnam and spent 32 years in the Army.
As a side note, he was one of 20 kids, 12 boys/8 girls. One of his
brothers, who is now in the old soldiers home in DC, went up Pointe du Hoc and
was wound by scrapnel from a german potato masher on his way up. A second
brother Major Reed was in the group "The Devils Brigade" and his name
is listed in the forward of the book by the same name. Many of his other
brothers also served.

Ernest Lewis
Dear sir,
I am in the process of looking for information about my Grandfather Ernest Lewis. I have very little to
go on at this time, this is what I know (I got all my information from my Grandmother):
He was stationed in Chapel Hill N.C. He left in December 1944 to head to the European Campaign. Apparently he was a sergeant in the 89th Division.
If you happen to know of any information about him, can you let me know, it would be greatly
Currently, my grandfather has alzhiemers and doesnt remember too much about his call of duty. My
grandmother has been helping me with what she knows and as you can see...it isnt much.
Thank you for your time and assistance in advance.
Thank you for your service to our nation.
Nicholaus Lewis
[I wrote back]
Hi! My dad has Alzheimers too, as I am the son of an 89th vet. Give me a week and remind me of your
request ok? I am on vacation. We can try some things.
If you have any info on what unit he was in within the 89th that would help alot? Infantry Regiment?
Artillery, etc.
[Nick wrote back]
Dear Sir,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my request. I apologize
for not getting back with you sooner but with the holidays, I thought it would
be appropriate to not email you until after the new year.
Included in the text of this email is what information I have about my
Grandfather from his wife. Can you point me in a direction to find out
more about his time in WWII? It would be greatly appreciated.
"Grandpa was inducted into the armyMay 28 1942 and discharged Nov 23 1945 in Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. He
was a Sgt in charge of a 12 men crew on light artillery. The war was over
in June of 1945 but had to stay for awhile so he attended Schrivenham University in England until he was sent home on emergency leave.
Recap: In army from 1942 to 1945, 353rd army 89th div Sgt"
Thank you for your assistance in advance. Your time and help are
greatly appreciated.
Nicholaus Lewis
[Please email Nick at milehighstar@cox.net if you knew his grandfather]
Ernest Lewis
Dear Mr. Kitchell,
I was recently looking into the history of my uncle (S/Sgt. Harold Moore) of the 89th Infantry Division 354th Regiment Co. E who died March 26, 1945. He served in the 89th infantry, and, I have found some info about him including a picture of himon your website. However my question is, would there be anyway of finding out if his was in the boat with Capt. Paul O. Wofford and 1st Sgt. Philip L. Grand Pre? Any info would be much appreciated and I would also like to thank you for your website it is very nice. [If you know the answer to this, please email me at markkitchell@yahoo.com]
I not sure if this could be of any interest but, I have the names of the unidentified
n.c.o.'s to the left and right of Harold Moore: they are from left to right
(Sgt. Hockenberger) and (T/Sgt. Feken). I obtained this information from a similar picture in Harry Moore's collection of pictures. I am in the process of converting these pictures to a digital format and I will send the ones pertinent 89th to sometime this week as an attachment to my email.

[I quickly received this email from someone who was there.]
To Mark & the nephew of Harold Moore,
Harold Moore was the squad leader of the 3rd squad of the 2nd platoon of E-Co. He, and Sgt Hoffman, platoon guide were in a boat with the 3rd squad when crossing the Rhine.Both Harold and Hoffman were lost in that crossing. Both were original members from the Camp Carson days, as were most of our fine non-coms. I was with the 1st squad, crossing with S/Sgt Raleigh Bowling.
I was the platoon leader, 2nd Lt. George Pusey
[I have lost the email address of the nephew of Harold Moore. Please email me when you read this]
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