
U.S. Holocaust Museum
The flag of the 89th Infantry Division greets you as you begin your visit at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

Website from our dear friend Warrant Officer Patrick Brion of the Belgian Army. "Reimahg" was a slave labor aircraft factory which built German jets underground. The 89th Division liberated the numerous camps of this factory.

Reich in Ruins
Webpage provides tremendous detail on what has happened to various historical sites in Germany and Austria. Check this link for details on Ohrdruf: Jonastal

89th Infantry Combat Chronicle
Combat chronicle of the Division, from WWI and WWII

89th Infantry Division in WWI
Detailed history of the 89th in World War I

ASTP Website
Website detailing the history of the ASTP.

Dad's War
Wonderful resouce detailing WWII historical website, personal stories and information on researching your "Dad's Story".

Cigarette Camps
The 89th prepared for combat deployment in Camp Lucky Strike, and later returned to help with camp administration in 1945.

89th Regional Support Command
The modern day incarnation of the 89th.

488th Engineer Light Support Company
Men from the 488th were shipped to the 89th after the end of the war. This in interesting website detailing their
combat operations, especially in the Thal area of France. The unit also had many ASTPers.

Clarence Petoske, B 314 Engineers, 89th Infantry
Personal Story from 89er Petoske. In this testimonial for the South Dakota WWII memorial, he discusses combat life and the horrors of

Silent Voices Speak-Holocaust Art Education A Holocaust art education project.
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