February-March 2003 Newsletter
For all veterans, relatives and friends of the
89th Soldiers, picture courtesy of Mike Nobel
If you know who these men are, please email me at markkitchell@yahoo.com
Table of Contents: Click on the Link Below to Go To That Section:
Announcements and Editor's Notes
Society Announcements
Website Developments
Email List Update
Letters and Exchanges
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Announcements, Editor's Notes and Website Developments
Editor's Notes
My son and I have been busy this month bringing more order into our recording, processing and
placing new stories online ASAP, necessitated by the volume and other
problems, like my poor memory and his outside activities, e.g., full-time
employment and planning for his June wedding in Grenoble with his entire family
Those who can download an excel document can review the story status
themselves by requesting a copy from me at rkitch2000@earthlink.net.
I think you will find it most impressive. Please also check it out
and notify me if a story you have sent to us is missing or should be
added. Of course we welcome new stories, particularly of historical content.
Please note the two important Society announcements just below.
While we attempt to publish a newsletter on a monthly basis, sometimes that
is not possible. We also try to minimize this scheduling problem and the
need for your surfing by sending out a message, using our email list,
when it is actually goes on line. Please check if you have forwarded
us any changes in your email address, including dropping it. We
are also in the process of trying to eliminate DEAD addresses (see
next TRW issue). Please also recall, that in the unfortunate event
of an 89th vets demise, a relative or friend may wish to
continue receipt of our newsletters by informing us of the name of the
deceased, your name, relationship, and email address.
We are particularly proud of this issue as the value of the
gatekeeper and networking functions are clearly demonstrated with the
more active involve of Organization Representatives.
Finally, if you have buddies, relatives or friends who do not have access
to the internet, you might wish to suggest that they visit
their local library. Librarians will help you pull up our website at
www.89infww2.org for viewing and, upon request, print out selected items/
stories. Try it!
Express Online Notice
As most of you are now aware, when a new Newsletter goes online, we notify you directly and immediately as illustrated just below which will avoid the need for your searching, since our scheduling is very lose. Of course, it's up to you to keep your email address up to date or give us a substitute (e.g., relative or neighbor) address if your is no longer valid. Recently we have started sending out email notices, e.g., "The latest version (January 2003) of the 89th Website Newsletter can be found here:
Polly, mdh62@bellsouth.net has kindly sent the following brief but to-the- heart
Thanks so much for sending these to me. I print them and send them
to Jack (Wayne J.) Ross). We visit him fairly often and he loves telling
stories about his experiences overseas. I keep encouraging him to write
to the newsletter. Hopefully he will.
Thanks again. This means a lot to him. Polly
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Society Announcements
From: John F. Sherman- VP Communications Coordinator
A Request For Each Society Member Re The future of the TRW
In order to provide a solid base of information so as to plan for the
future publication of The Rolling W (TRW), we are asking that each of you
take a few moments to complete the questionnaire provided below.
As you are aware, the society's leadership has always assumed that this publication (the TRW magazine),
supplemented by the reunions, constitutes the "glue" that binds us together
as a strong and treasured organization. Further, it reaches directly
all members.
But looking to the future, we need to be certain of that assumption and
to gain your thoughts about TRW. You will notice that the questionnaire consists
of two parts, the information sought based on two different fiscal
situations. Please add comments concerning any aspects not included
in the questions [and feel free to include attachments if
the above space is insufficient].
PART ONE: (The Society's fiscal situation allows a projection of no significant
change needed in the publication for the foreseeable future)
What features of TRW interest you the most? (Rate each of the following
numerically, with a "1" as the highest and a "10" the lowest.)
Should any changes be made regardless of our finances? If
so, please describe - _________________________________________
PART TWO: The Society's fiscal situation requires significant changes soon.)
Which characteristics of TRW should be sacrificed? (Rate each of the following numerically, with
a "1" as the first to go and a "10" as last.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS____________________________________________
Please forward by mail or fax to
John F. Sherman
11016 Ardwick Drive
Rockville, MD 20852
Fax - 301-881-6029
not later than 15 May 2003. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE.
From: Bill Scudder-WAGG Member
Requests for Views, Suggestions and/or Proposals to
The Executive Board Re the Future of our Society
You may recall proposals in recent issues of TRW as to the future of
our Society. This in view of our declining membership and the fact that
current estimates indicate WWII veterans are leaving us at a rate
of some 1,200 per month. As our rolls diminish the need to find
solutions and make decisions for our future becomes most urgent. So
we are asking you, our members to provide your Executive Board with your views,
suggestions and/or proposals on the following possibilities so these may
be considered by your Board in preparing proposals which you
may be asked to vote on in the near future.
Please consider the following:
1. As membership declines and it becomes obvious that there are insufficient
finances and/or members to permit continuance of the Society our
Executive Board should be authorized to dissolve the Society of the 89th Division
WWII in accord with Article XII of our by-laws. The
Article reads, Article Xll-Dissolution- "Upon determination of the Executive Board to
dissolve the Society, remaining assets after the satisfaction of all
obligations of the Society, shall be given to the City of Colorado
Springs, Colorado, for placement in Gift Trust Fund #318-500-
9894-7113, entitled "War Memorial", which shall be administered by
that city or it's successor, for the exclusive purpose of care and repair
of the 89th Division WWII Memorial Monument".
2. A dual possibility: a. Continue our Society under the leadership
of members in the category of Friends of the Society of the 89th
Division, WII. This proposal assumes that in the very near future there will
be sufficient numbers of such members to warrant formal organization of
such a group and also that among these members there will be those who
evidence a willingness to assume roles as would be essential to
plan, organize and lead an auxiliary society. Such "Friends"
would need to promptly express their interest and willingness to assume leadership
roles in such an organization.
3. In combination with Friends of the Society or as a separate
group our descendent organization, the 89th RSC (89th Regional Support
Command) as well as other separate organizations bearing the 89th
designations might choose to perpetuate the Society
as part of their historical process.
Send your response to:
Bill Scudder
9000 Belvoir Woods Pkwy.,
Ft. Belvoir, Va.
E- Mail: scudbandp@aol.com
Telephone (703-781- 3030)
Fax 703- 781-3030 (requires prior telephone notice to set mode).
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Website Developments
As mentioned above, we've been updating doing our bookkeeping. When this is
done, we will also update the data on our 89th Website per se, e.g.,
email addresses, announcements, etc. Currently we are giving attention to reproducing "The Combat History
of 354th Inf. Regiment" and providing what assistance we can to the Representatives of
the 353rd Inf in their negotiations for accelerating completion, raising additional funds
if necessary, publication, and, insofar as the WWII portion is concerned, with
it placement on our website and, hopefully, serialization in the TRW.
A highlight of the last month is the completion of the Tour of Remembrance section of the website.
Take a look by clicking here: Tour of Remembrance
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Email List Updates
It would greatly simplify our tasks if I were notified promptly of
address changes, errors or when one is no longer using the Internet
so we can make the necessary adjustments effectively and in a
timely basis. The task of maintaining a current and growing
up-to-date list is becoming increasingly complicated. We're not
complaining, in fact we are overjoyed, but please remember
that we are volunteers and, in my case, not as sharp as I
used to be. If you are sending a message or follow-up, please
identify yourself and your (or relative's) unit, as I may
no longer have your original. Thank you.
BADTEN, Norbert J-A Co, 353rd Inf
KEMP, Lyle E-B Co, 353rd Inf (deceased) c/o grandson, David
LITTLE, George S-941st FA (deceased)c/o son Douglas
LITTLE, Ray D. -M Co, 355th Inf
NICHOLSON, Harold E.-405th Qm Co (deceased) c/o Grandson
PALMER, Robert Emerson -M Co, 353rd Inf (Deceased) c/o Vanessa Gradall (great niece)
PETERSON, Carl L Son of Carl
PLUMBY, Phil - A Co, 354th Inf
SCHUETZ, William-Co C, 353rd Inf c/o Son Billy
STUEWE, Co F-353rd Inf
WALDNER, Leonard F --Cannon Co, 353rd Inf
WEISS, Murray-Co F., 353rd Inf
YOUNG, Charles-Cn Co, 3 rd Bn, 355th Inf (Air Cadet)
YOUNG, Charles-Cn Co, 3rd Bn, 355th Inf (Air Cadet)
YOUNG, Paul C.-Cn Co, 353rd Inf
ZELLE, Lester-Cn Co, 355th Inf
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Bertrand J. Oliver
Co Cmdr, 602 Tank Destroyer Bn. Attached to the 89th
in Germany Died of cancer, 14 August 2002, in Phoenix, AZ.
Harry H. Blue, Co L, 355th Inf
This is to inform you to inform you that my Grandpa Harry H. Blue of the 355th,
L Company passed away on August the 18, 2002. Grandpa
suffered from ALS, but remained strong throughout is illness. My Grandpa was
very proud to have served in the United States Army and being a part of
the 89th. His hobby was wood working, and he used his talents to
make a frame picture box to showcase his awards and medals that he
had earned in the European theater. He had a big stack of Rolling
W magazines next to his chair that he enjoyed to the end.
I am sure that he read them inside and out. He was a great
man and will be missed by all that knew him, most especially by his loving
He was buried with full Military Honors, and with his Rolling W pin on
his suit. If possible I would like to receive his last copy
of the Rolling W that this [obituary] will be printed in.
Thank you. Sincerely yours, Bryan Blue, 085 Road 19a Continental,
Ohio 45831 Deb Blue bluedeb5@q1.net [Deb has already joined us]
Willie, Joe and Bill
[With the kind permission of the Washington Post, we include their salute to Sgt.
Bill Maudlin who belonged to all combat soldiers of WWII.]
CITIZENS OF THE dictatorships in World War II were fed a steady diet
of heroism, images of jut-jawed soldiers at the front, helmeted heroes
of socialism or National Socialism, conquerors on the march or noble
defenders of the motherland -- resolute, handsome and ruthless. Here
in America, we got Willie and Joe. Thanks, Bill Mauldin.
[and from the 89th vets too, particularly its infantry GIs]
Mr. Mauldin, who died this week at 81, kept before us the true face
of war -- stupid, cruel, confusing, frightening -- mostly as seen
by two unshaven, bleary-eyed infantrymen who seemed to see no end to
the slogging, and yet who kept on going. Sgt. Bill Mauldin, along
with the great war correspondent Ernie Pyle, presented the enlisted
man's view: the living with constant fear for weeks and months on
end, the frustrations, and the petty tyrannies of some newly
minted lieutenants. But there was no hatred in Bill Mauldin's
work -- his German soldiers, most POWs, are as disheveled and
haggard as Willie and Joe. His honest portrayal of reluctant
but dutiful citizen soldiers was beloved in the ranks, and
it had the support of one supremely important officer: Dwight
D. Eisenhower. Bill Mauldin's war works were compiled in a
book that was once enormously popular: "Up Front." This wouldn't
be a bad time for Americans to have another look at it.
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Letters and Exchanges
The purpose of this core section of the newsletter is to provide
an electronic mechanism for the rapid exchange of information and
requests regarding our Division, its veterans and friends as well as
including current items of related interest. I like to think
of this task as gate keeping facilitating networking between our vets and
friends and responding to inquiries by drawing on the knowledge of
those still with us, and particularly those active in our Society with
similar responsibilities and concerns. Because of the many messages
and follow-ups received, and my difficulty at times to keep them straight,
it is requested that each message include any previous information provided.
Letters are included roughly in the order of receipt with editing
at a minimum. Editor's remarks, if any, are included in brackets.
Thank you.
REIMAHG Research From Patrick Brion PatrickBrion@hotmail.com
Another message from our good friend, Sgt. Brion
Dear Mark,
Bonjour à toi !
Thank you for putting the last news on the website of the 89th !
I just received G5 and G2 reports of the 89th and I
am now for 200 % sure that it was the 89th who liberated the
REIMAHG camps on Mid-April 1945 !!!
I have a question though. Through NARA, I received two pictures
that were taken just after the 89th occupied the REIMAHG.
I know have the name of the military photographer that was taking the
pictures for the 89th ID. His name is LT.
ADRIEN J. SALVAS of the 166th Signal Photographic Co.
So my question is quite simple. Who had contact with
him ? Does he still live ?
Furthermore, I just received a letter from the Military Attaché of
the United States in Brussels. He was quite positive about
my request, but I guess I will have to take contact directly again with the 89th
I am adding a picture of Lt SALVAS. Maybe
someone will recognise it ?
Best greetings,

Remember, you can reach the Reimahg website at:
We are working very hard to put in English and other languages.
Stanly Essner KIA 353rd -- Ess888@aol.com
I got your email address from your website on the 89th division.
I am interested in getting more information about my brother-in-law. I am
the widow of his older brother and the only living member of the family.
He was in the 89th Infantry Div. 3rd Battalion, 353 Infantry
Regiment, Co. L. He was a lead scout and was killed in Germany.
I would like to get more information on the circumstances of his
death and if there is a member of his company still living, so
I can leave this for his nieces and nephews and their offspring after I
die. Can you PLEASE tell me how to obtain that information or
whether or not it is available? I really would appreciate any help you
can give me. Thank you.
Charlotte Essner [Also forwarded to Norban Badten, suzannb@wyoming.com,
Org Rep, for possible assistance. His response below was
immediate and complete. Thank you Norb]
Dear Charlotte Essner,
First, let me extend my sympathy. Stanley was killed
in action April 6, 1945, which for all practical purposes was the end
of the war. I went through some of the files I have and identified individuals
who were in L Company with Stanley and who have been active in the
89th Division Society within the last 10 years. However, I have
no information as to their current status.
I have a number of other names of people who were in L Company, but
no addresses or phone numbers. Those listed below will give you a start,
I would be interested in knowing if you have any luck in contacting any of
these people. If you do not already have a copy of Stanley's military
and medical files, if you send me your address and phone number I
will send you a form which you can use to request
Norbert J Badten
353rd Asst Regt Rep
Avery, Carl L
3832 Dallas Cherryville Hwy
Bessemer City NC 27514
(704) 922-4695
Davidson, Thomas D
Box 401 221 W 2nd
Moline KS 67353-0401
(316) 647-8107
Dunn, Wallace E
5861 Tamarisk Way
San Luis Obispo CA 93401-8927
(805) 544-7854
Emerson, Horace F
1974 Villa Way South
Reno NV 89509
(702) 825-8089
Getzie, James S
304 South Beaucoup St
Pinckneville IL 62274
(618) 357-8394
Hargis, Anthony B
701 Evelina Street
New Orleans LA 70114-1129
(504) 368-2491
Heater, Russell C
6707 Edsall Road
Springfield VA 22151
(703) 642-5190
Horvath, Barney A
21884 Highway 169 NW
Elk River MN 55330-9231
(612) 441-7144
Howard, James E "Jim"
613 Forest Ave
Canon City CO 81212-5030
(719) 275-5410
Huizenga JR, John
3091 Beechridge Dr
Hudsonville MI 49426-1716
(616) 669-1699
Hysell, Delbert T
P O Box 485 6 S 6th Ave
Washington IA 52353-0485
(319) 653-6419
Jacobs, Dr James W
1 Central Ave
Gaithersburg MD 20877-1207
(301) 926-2673
Lawson, William R
2217 2nd Ave
Koppel PA 16136
(412) 846-2745
Lichtler, Lester
Colden Hill Rd MD2
Newburgh NY 12550
(914) 564-0425
McFatridge, Joe R
1623 Terrace Dr
Duncan OK 73533
(405) 255-1792
Mills, Charles Wilson
2912 Burton Ave NW
Roanoke VA 24012-4011
(540) 362-8124
Newman, Samuel
129 Morristown Place
Paramus NJ 07652
(200) 445-0171
Odom, James H
P O Box 276
Elizabeth LA 70638-0276
(318) 634-5393
Pranger, Bernard J
5024 Tennessee Ave
St Louis MO 63111-1622
(314) 353-0129
Rohr, Raymond
222 Brackett
Swansea IL 62226
(618) 233-7647
Scourkes, Gus N
911 St Andrew Ct
Salinas CA 93901-1526
(408) 758-1721
Stawicki, Marry
P O Box 352
Delevan WI 53115-0352
(414) 728-2864
Stubbs, Clifford
1200 2nd St SE
Minot ND 58701-5910
(701) 838-0164
Zimmer, Ivan
Route 3 HC 53
Stanford MT 59479
(no phone given)
A Request for Assistance William Randolph Co A, 354th
Inf Reg randzipp@dc.rr.com
I recently became aware of the 89th Division website you
and your son have created. Thanks so much for making it available
to us all. It is most interesting.
I joined Company A, 354th Infantry in June 1944, immediately
following my graduation from Ft.Benning OCS. This
was at a time when the bulk of the EM and many of the
company grade officers were being sent to Europe as replacements. There
were only two officers in Company A when I arrived, and both were
gone within the month. I went through the training of the new
arrives from August to December and went over with our unit in
January, as exec officer of Company A.
I am most interested in determining, if possible, the precise route taken by Company A
from the time it arrived in Luxembourg, until its return to
Lucky Strike following the German surrender. If my health, and that of my wife,
hold out, and if there is no major war raging that might impede American travel
in Europe, we would like to rent a car and follow Company A's movements, city by city, or
dorf by dorf. I have a number of letters written throughout the period of our
engagement and saved by my folks and by my wife. While these give some suggestion of the
general local and activity, censorship prevented me from being more precise. Now, even with
good maps of the area, I can't really do much better than follow the grand sweep
of the 89th, which covered a fairly broad area much of the time.
Can you suggest a source from which I could learn to villages Company A passed through and
stayed in? I should think the Company Morning Reports would have some of this information,
if they are available, or perhaps some daily reports of Battalion or
Regiment. I just haven't been able to locate these sources or learned
how to make them available to me. Any information you have in this regard
would be most appreciated.
William D. Randolph, formerly of Company A, 354th Infantry. Most
recently of Rancho Mirage, CA.
[We have forwarded this request to Elmer Herbaly, Org Rep for the 354th
requesting their assistance].
602nd TD Bn-–Their history with the 89th Raymond Young, President and Historian, 602 T.D. Bn Assn PPO Box 4573, East Lansing, MI
[As an ex-tank destroyer gunner myself, before ASTP and the 89th, I have
been trying to get a story about them, at least about their time with
us, for quite awhile. Herein are portions of a recent letter sent in
connection with the recent death of B. Oliver, included in our 89th TAPS. We are
hoping soon to have a story for the internet and TRW
on its exploits, especially with us. Excerpts from his recent letter are repeated
here. This also illustrate the research and behind the scene activities
that sometimes goes on]
Dear Ray
I am in the process of writing and publishing, on a serial basis, the
history of our Battalion based upon copies of morning reports I got
from the National Personnel Office in St. Louis, old payroll documents, and
daily journals (which did appear in our book) written from battalion
after-action reports at the Battalion level and kept on a regular basis in
A Co. Very soon one the series will relate to our attachment to
the 89th Infantry Division and our Rhine River crossing and beyond with them. I
will see that you get a copy. I don’t recall ever suggestion
that you or anyone else do any research [my error] …a copy of
Our history book was sent to the 89th Infantry Division Association.
I am the Battalion historian and have all the Battalion records in
my basement, however I have no way at present to put anything on the
internet. So if we are to help you in any way, I need to know what kind
of help is needed. We stand ready to assist in any way possible.
[Ray: Just received your welcomed letter of January 27. A lot has happened in
the past two years since we last corresponded. I sincerely regret Mr. Oliver’s
passing away, an event too frequent these days for us old vets. We have
included his name, date of death, etc, in the TAPs section of our
(February) Newsletter which will also be picked up
by the Editor of The Rolling W.]
Finally, when we receive a copy of that portion of your history now under
development, you need not worry about the internet. Just send it to me,
preferably as a WORD document or CD but if that’s not possible, in
a clean typed version capable of being scanned, and my son and I
will get in on the internet though our website at no cost. OK? I’ll
send you a printout copy of this newsletter by snail mail and look
forward to further correspondence. Thank you.
Sincerely, Ray (Scotty) Kitchell Co-webmaster (for content)
Request for info on Tour of Remembrance Pat Stumlar ZEPHEADPAT@aol.com
[Forwarded to Chick Cecchini]
Subject: Re: Your Planned Trip Re WW2 405 QM Co. Path in 1945.
Dear Pat. After looking over the volumes of files I have on our 1999 Tour
of Remembrance, I've decided that our wrap-up report (a day by day
diary of our travels) would be the most beneficial reference you could get
from us. It is a nine page report to the Society of the 89th Div WWII
membership published in our magazine titled, "The Rolling W" (taken from
the nickname of our division). It is a narrative on the places
and occurrences of our tour. You should know that we tried to the
best of practicality to follow the general path of the 89th. However,
since various combat teams and special task forces did things separate from each other
on different occasions we couldn't zig zag back and forth to
get it all in (would have made our tour last at least a week longer than
the eleven days we were traveling on the two buses -- not counting the several
days of assembly and sightseeing time spent in London and Paris before we got underway
as a single group on the buses).
I’ve already printed the nine pages for you and am prepared to snail
mail them to you if you want it that way and provided you send me your postal
address. However, on the assumption that you may prefer to receive it as an attachment to this
email, I'm attaching the nine pages herewith. Let me know if it opened
okay for you or if you'd prefer I forward it via the alternative snail mail method. Of
course, we're interested in knowing what your eventual actual trip turns out to
be and if our report proves useful to you.
Best of luck to you. Chick Cecchini who, along with John Sherman, assisted
Bill Scudder the Chairman of our Tour of Remembrance Planning Committee.
Request for Information on My Grandfather From Nora Graves nora_graves@hotmail.com
My name is Nora Graves. My grandfather (actually he was my great uncle--but he raised my
father as his son) was attached (I believe) to the 354th Infantry Regiment
during WWII. I am attempting to reconstruct his time in the
military. His name is Frederick Hoffman and I believe he was a LT. (I
could be wrong) I do remember him talking (he rarely did this!) about
his discovery of the Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. I believe he was with
the first group of men that stumbled upon the camp. I have a number
of letters he wrote home to his mother during his entire time away. These letters
are amazingly well written. His mother was very ill so his
letters are upbeat and purposely non-dramatized. I am writing a major "paper" for
my MA in English. I am using his letters as a focus to what was really
happening. I have always wanted to create a "memorial" posthumously to this wonderful
man. His letters are better written than anything I have done.
I am looking for any guidance or info you may have. I know he received
a couple of medals. I know that at some point he had an Amy book detailing
his "deployment". My husband is a Commander in the US Navy at
present and he has a number of "cruise books" detailing deployments... Do
you know where I might find something like this? Any info or suggestions
would be greatly appreciated. I will be happy to share these
letters with your organization if you would like. Many letters are hilarious (including
one discussing the "great Cracker Jack scandal"). Thank you for your time!
[From Mark: Please call me Mark first of all. As far as sites or books, I
guess it depends on what you are looking for. I was a history major in
college but have not done much research in a while. You will find many
sites with WWII letters on the net. As for the 89th Division's relation to Ohrdruf,
the website for the US Holocaust Museum is helpful (see our links
section). Let me know further. We will put you on the email list. Mark
Nora Graves wrote: Thank you Mr. Kitchell! I put a bid in
on this item on eBay! This should help me to chronicle his time in the service. If
you know of any other sites/books etc., please let me know. I have very little to go
on except his letters which were purposely non specific! I am in the
process of installing a new computer/printer. I will then scan these letters and
I will be happy to forward what I have. I wrote to my cousin in
Chicago who says that there are indeed pictures of Fred in uniform. Again,
I'll be happy to share! I will keep you posted on my project and
will probably write with some more specific questions as I go! Thank
[This message is also being forwarded to Elmer Herbaly, L Co,
the Organizational Representative of the 354th Inf, herbaly@aol.com who
may also be of assistance and to the Editor of TRW. Keep in touch.
An Army History of MY Dad from Phil Exel p_exel@yahoo.com
First let me say that I found your website commemorating the 89th Infantry Division
very interesting. I believe that my father was a member of Co E, 2nd Bn,
353rd Inf. I am trying to piece together his Army History. His name is John (Jack) E.
Exel and he recently passed away so I was unable to get the
information directly from him. He was in the Army during WWII and Korea obtaining the rank
of Captain when he retired from the reserves in 1963. I am most interested in
finding out what he participated in during World War II. Do you or your son
have a compete list of the members of the 89th and, in particular, my
father’s division during WWII? Is there some place I could
look to find his military history. Any help you can give me I would greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much. Phil Exel
[Mark: Let me take a shot at answering your questions. First, your question is the
most common one we get (what did my Dad, granddad, etc. do?) Obviously, we generally
cannot specifically answer that. However here’s what I’d do.
1. Look at our email list to see men from his unit, write them
and ask. also check with the 353rd Organization Representative. This list
is at /society/ contact.htm
2. Write up a paragraph or two about him for us to include in
our monthly newsletter and official magazine, The Rolling W (TRW). Copy this to
Norbert Badten (Org Rep) at suzannb@wyoming.com . We
can then ask if anyone remembers him and refer your inquiry
to the appropriate party.
3. To really learn about the 89th, try to buy the 89th Division 1942-1945 history
book, although unfortunately it does not include all the names
and units of everyone who served with it. It
is often found on eBay, in fact I found you a copy of
one on Ebay. They are also available from the Society at a cost of $40.
That would be a good start but I would also encourage you to join
The Society of the 89th Inf Div as a “Friend” and/or relative. The dues are
$30 annually which includes a subscription to the quarterly magazine called THE
ROLLING W. It will also help fund the Society and the website. For obvious
reasons, membership is dwindling so we need new members (widows, sons
and daughter, etc.) to remain viable and meaningful.
Also, let us know if you want to be on our email list which we use to send
out updates and the newsletters encourage networking.
Finally, we would be honored to receive and obit on your father’s passing away from
you to be placed under TAPS in our next edition. You may also wish to
browse through some of our past newsletters which are archived on our website.
Dads Service John Shorey jshorey@earthlink.net
I have been doing some research on my Dads service with the 89th Rolling W, my
dad has passed away , I wish I could have started this before he did. His
name was Clifford N. Shorey, from Maine. He was in demolition, used a mine detector.
He did not talk a lot about his service for many years. His Sister told
me he came back a differentt man. I have a number of stories he did pass on
to me, and I have a few nice momentoes he brought back for his time there. A
story I have about them being in a house for a few days, toward the end of
the war, in fact it house was hit with shell fire and the bombing blew out his hearing
in one ear, it was toward the end of the war, and was not properly noted for his
being able to get disability. But a story that came out of there staying there,
was a safe that him and 2 buddies found that they blew open, finding a coin
collection and a bottle of 4 roses whiskey. They drank the whiskey and divided
up the collection. I have most of my Dad share still in a round
hard paper Grenades canister marked TNT.
My dad’s service and travels does not match up with what I’m finding
on the sites. I know he arrived late on the European war theater, but it sounds like
he saw plenty of action for the time he was there. I have over a
couple hundred pictures from his service. He liked taking pics. Many
of these pics are from the places he was sent before they went to
Europe. He spent time in Peru, and a lot of time in the Galapagos
Islands. I have many pics from his stay there. He had told me
they wanted to be involved and it was not till Eleanor Roosevelt visited the
troops on the island that, my dad said they complained to her that they wanted
a part of the real War and shortly after they were shipped out. I have pics of
my dad playing pool with Eleanor Roosevelt. In fact I have a lot of
photos of the men my dad was in service with.
Do you know of any sites that have more photos of the 89th and its
men, and where I can go to hear more detail of there service in WW2, I have looked
at your story with pics it was very good. and i have looked at www.89infdivww2.org
I wish I could have started this search a long time ago as my dad
spoke of friends he had from OR and PA but he never kept up with
them. Thanks for any help you can give.
[John, it would help immensely if you can find out his unit and regiment or battalion
and let us know. Can anyone else help?]
Letter from Mathews Ed Quick edqandmj@bellsouth.net
What a nice letter from Matthews! A shame we didn't make contact sooner. Do you
think it possible for him to supply us with a copy of that book? I would be
more than willing to pay for the cost of reproduction. I would not need a bound
copy of course - just the text would be wonderful! My thinking
is that you too might want a copy. I know it might be an imposition on Matthews' time but I
hope he would be amenable to it.
Jimmy Midkiff! Like you, I haven't heard that name
in years! He is listed, like me, as a "Basic" on our organizational chart -
but as you know, I spent about half of my combat time on Lodding's Number
2 Gun Section and the other half as Recorder for Lt. Wolbert. I'm sure Jimmy
Midkiff was a Number 1 Man on a gun section (not Lodding's.) I have a
photo of him wearily sitting down on the side of ditch. The regular gun
section Number 1's were Roepke, Sidabras, Covillo and Correia. Their responsibility was setting the elevation
and the SI on the gun sight and I think they also pulled the
lanyard and fired the gun. It was the highest level of responsibility, just below that of the Gunner Corporals,
who set the deflection. Could you ask Matthews in your letter if
he knows where Midkiff lives (if he is alive) and how we could get in touch with him?
Excuse the rambling thought in the last paragraph - the name Midkiff just triggered a
lot of memories. Ed
[Hey, BBBs and sometime networkers. Keep us advised],
Request for info on DC Reunion from Bryan Benesch bhbenesch@starpoweer.net
I have just discovered your website due to an email my uncle sent me. My father
Charles Benesch was a member of the 89th Infantry, 1st Battalion, Company C., 354th. He
is still alive but not online. I would like to have his name added to the contact
list and any notices sent care of me. [Done]
My father lives outside of Washington, DC and is very excited about
the prospect of attending the 2004 reunion. Can you tell me the dates? Is it going to
coincide with the dedication of the WWII memorial on May 29, 2004? [I don’t
think so Bryan but we will soon have a continuous update on the
Society section of our website.]
BRIGHAM CRANE a son’s request stevec@ogden-cpas.com
MY DAD IS DEAD. HIS ARMY SERIAL # WAS 39 923 817 SOC SEC #529-14-9875.
Dear Steve:
You give me very little information to go on. In the latest 89th Society Roster
of living vet members, only a John T. Crane is listed. Is you father
alive and/or can you give me any information on his unit? I will
include your request in our February Newsletter but unless you can
come up with some more information, it will be like looking
for a needle in a haystack. Good luck
Ray Kitchell
[Sometimes we strike out]
First Days Up Front A Story by Radcliffe "Pete" Peterson, E Co, 354th Inf
This is about the shortest story I have ever written. I wrote it several months ago, but
on March 12, it was 55 years since it happened.
The convoy of our second battalion had just dropped off the men near sunset
close to Dahlin in Germany. I remember all of the men talking about having
to get shot at, starting now. We were all pretty uneasy. Easy company had set up all
the platoon perimeters and our Company CP had been set up. A few of us
were sitting around in a heavily wooded area.
It was March 12, 1945. A few of the officers dropped their packs along a
pathway along with the packs of some of the sergeants. They had moved off a ways
to stretch their legs and talk amongst themselves. I remember sitting against a tree and
in front of me and my pack a carbine was neatly leaned against a tree. I could
hear some of the men as they were returning to get their packs. At
that moment for some reason, I stood and stepped to one side. Just one step. I
heard the sound of a rifle discharging. My eyes focused on the place in front of
where I had just been sitting. The rifle had fallen, hit the ground and discharged
a round directly into the tree where I had been sitting.
I ascertained that if I hadn't gotten up just then, the slug
would have entered my chest.
Why did I get up? I'll never know. I was quite comfortable sitting
there. Was I shook up? Yes I was. And to think that I was almost the first
casualty of our battalion. A sergeant came over to look at the hole in
the tree and before he moved on said, "You were
lucky there, soldier."
Do I think of that little moment from 55 years ago? Yes, once in
a while. It was my lucky day.
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