Student Enrollment Changes 1941-61

Personal Stories

We have many ASTP-related personal stories on the website. Here are two which relate to OSC (click on the link to go to the story:

Ed Roberts

Raymond Kitchell: How ASTP Impacted My Life

List of Known 89th Division ASTPers Who Attended OSC

There were many more.

BERMAN, Barnett--?
CARNELL, Darrel--B Btry, 340th FA Bn
COLOSIMO, Richard L.--B Btry, 340th FA Bn
DEBS, John--?
FLAXBEARD, Robert D. --?
KITCHELL, Raymond E.-- Sv. Btry, 563rd FA Bn
MATHEWS, C. Harold, Jr., C Go, 353rd lnf
OUDSHOORN, William A. --?
ROBERTS, Charles E (Ed) - C Go, 914th FA Bn

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