Gus N. Scourkes, L CO 355TH

Here is my story as a former ASTP soldier: I was drafted Jan. 1943 (Limited Service because of my eyes). Completed Basic training at Presidio of Monterey/Fort Ord. and was assigned to MP's at Fort Winfield Scott/Presidio of San Francisco. I passed the ASTP entrance exam in the fall of 1943, was sent to Stanford University in the Spring of 1944 and then to Los Angeles City College 2 months later. There I studied Internal Combustion Engineering. In the fall, I was sent to Camp Roberts/Hunter Liggett for infantry training and maneuvers. I remember Sgt. Barney Pranger who took over our training. Good Man. One incident that stands out in my memory: One day in the rain, mud and poison oak, he was leading on a hike. On a steep hill, he leaned over and his pants ripped open exposing his shorts and butt. The squad had a good laugh which brightened a tough day on the trail. I was assigned as second scout in Co. L, 353 Infantry. In Germany, I was assigned to Div. Hqs. Discharged Jan, 1996 at Camp Beale, Calif.