Remembrances: Clyde Solmon: A Three Day Pass

In the early part of November 1944, when I was stationed at Camp Butner
North Carolina, I received a letter from my mother stating that she had
received a notice from the Navy that my young brother, 19 years of age,
was in a Brooklyn Naval Hospital recovering from injuries received while
landing troops at Anzio Beach in Italy. The letter didn't stay how bad
the injuries were or if they were life threatening, She asked me to
drop him a card or letter to help cheer him up and enclosed the address
of the hospital.
I thought it over and decided to show the letter to the 1st Sgt or
Captain to see if I could get a three-day pass to visit my brother before
I was shipped over seas. The 1st Sgt. read the letter but didn't think
a pass was possible. He did give me permission to see the Captain. To
my surprise, the Captain approved a three-day pass which started
Friday after retreat and lasted to roll call Tuesday morning. When
passing the 1st Sgt on my way out of the office, I was tempted to stick
my tongue out at him but thought it would be too juvenile.
Now my brain started working overtime. My wife was living a few miles from
Providence Rhode Island, which was only a four-hour train ride to New York.
I decided to call her to see if she would be willing to meet me in New
York City. I called home and told my wife I had a three-day pass and asked
if she could she meet me in New York on Saturday morning. She was as
enthusiastic as I knew she would be. I didn't mention the news about my
brother. I gave her directions to get to Penn Station and said that I would
meet her at the Travelers Aid Booth between 10 a.m. and noon on
My train was due to arrive around 10:30 a.m. It seemed Friday night would
never come. After Retreat I headed for the Camp station to catch the bus
for Durham along with a few thousand others. The busses were packed and
left as soon as they were loaded. I arrived in Durham in time to catch
the bus for Raleigh and took the only vacant seat four or five rows from
the front. The bus driver started to pull out of the station and looked
in the mirror and stopped the bus. He pointed a finger at me and told me
to get up to the front of the bus and told a Negro man to move to the
rear. I told him I was ok where I was. He jumped up from his seat and
told me to get my ass up front where I belonged and sent the Negro to
the back. I felt very embarrassed but did as I was told. The Negro in
passing me patted me on the arm and said, "It's OK soldier." The driver
looked at me and said, "When you Yankees come down here you live by our
rules or you don't ride the bus." I was very quiet the rest of the
way to Raleigh since I wanted to make the train to New York.
I arrived at the train station and bought a round trip ticket to New
York. I was told the train was running a half hour late due to the
crowded conditions. He had some doubt that all the people present would be
able to get on the train. I related I only had a three-day pass and
he told me I'd have to judge where the train would stop to be at
an opening between the cars. That was the best he could do.
There was a mass of people on the platform both civilian and service
men. There was a middle-aged portly man with two large suitcases who was
making a nuisance of himself bumping into people trying to get to a
good spot. The train arrived 45 minutes late and everyone crowded near
the track hoping to be in a good location when the train came to a
stop. The man with the two suitcases had the luck of being near a
doorway and I found myself in the middle of nowhere. As the train stopped
the man with the two large suitcases made for an opening bumping and
shoving. He was hit broadside by a hoard of service men, the cases going
one way and he the other. As I stood there smiling in no-mans land, I
heard a voice say, "You want to get on this train mate?" I looked up
to see a couple of sailors at a partially open window. They opened the
window wide, reached down and grabbed my hands and in two shakes I
was through the window and on the train. One sailor said he was sorry
but there was nowhere to sit but the floor. I was just damn glad
to be aboard. I slept on the floor all night wedged between two
seats with two sailors. From that day I was thankful for the
Navy. Without their help I don't think I would have made the
I arrived at Penn Station and went to the mens room to make myself
presentable, then to the Travelers Aid booth to wait and see if my
wife arrived. About thirty minutes passed when I saw her enter the
door and start down that long flight of stairs. She seemed to notice
me at the same time and we ran toward each other for a much needed hug
and smooch. She looked around and to this day I remember her very words,
"Look at all the people." A small town girl was on her first visit to
the big city. She's been there many times since. We went to the Travelers
Aid Booth and I asked for a hotel room for two nights and any "freebees"
a service man could get in New York. We were sent to the Hotel New
Yorker to a beautiful room with a nice view of the city and a
handful of pamphlets of discounts and "freebees" for service men. We
had a room service meal with a bottle of wine to celebrate then took in
a few sights near the hotel and returned around midnight. We took
advantage of other things, but for that use your own imagination.
The next day we decided to take in Radio City Music Hall. We were standing
outside deciding what price tickets we could afford, when I heard a
voice behind me say "Sargent." I turned around and found myself face-to-face
with a 1st Lieutenant. I gave him a salute and he waved it away. He
asked, "Are you and your wife going to this show?" I told him we
were discussing which tickets to purchase. "Here are two tickets to
the show I think my date stood me up." he said and turned and
walked away before I had a chance to thank him. My wife had a
comment, "How could a girl break a date with a good looking fellow like
that?" Such is girl talk or thoughts. The tickets were the best in the
house and we have never enjoyed a show more. Thank you, Lieutenant!
Early Sunday evening upon leaving the hotel, a bellhop told us we could
probably make the early dinner at the Rainbow Room and my uniform would
be considered first class. We discussed this a while and my wife said
she didn't think the dress she brought was fine enough for the Rainbow Room,
plus we were getting a little low on money. No VISA cards those days. I
think we ate that night in a cafeteria-style restaurant. We were together
and having fun. Twelve years later we did the Rainbow Room in style and
my wife has never forgotten it.
Monday morning rolled around and it was time for her to go home and me
to go back to camp. I went to Grand Central Station with her and saw her
on the train to Providence and then went back to Penn station to catch
my train south. The weather had turned very cold and she arrived home to
find the heat off and the water pipes frozen. The landlord helped her to
get things going again with the water and heat. Did I forget to mention she
was five months pregnant at the time? Mother and baby survived the trip,
but her doctor was shocked when she told him about it. I made it back to
Camp Butner in plenty of time, tired but happy.
Now I remember, this story started with my brother in a Brooklyn Naval
Hospital. I didn't visit him. I sent him a card instead and he didn't
notice it was mailed in New York City. I called the hospital from
Penn Station while waiting for the train and was told he was out on
a 24-hour pass. So much for serious injuries. Knowing my brother
he was probably being cheered up by some young chick or a nurse.
I found out later an artillery shell landed close to him when he was
returning to his ship (attack transport). The shell blew him off the
landing craft into the water. He obtained a concussion and a cracked
rib. He was sent to the hospital for two weeks for observation. Not
even a Purple Heart.