Into Central Germany: Wullersleben
Outside of Wullersleben three I & R jeeps were moving toward the town to join the 2nd Battalion which, except for Co. E, was in Wullerlsben. Cannon Co's position on the edge of town I was under fire from German 88s which were holding up the advance of the 2nd Battalion. As the 1& R jeeps moved into the town they were held up by the 88s. Pvt. Marvin D. Wenninger was hit by shrapnel. Almost at the same time another man was hit. He let out a cry for an adman. T/5 Leonard Vander Linde Jr., 1& R's aid man, started out across an open field toward the wounded man amid a hail of artillery shells. They fell all around him -- in front, in back, on either side. Then his luck gave out. A piece of shrapnel went through his back and penetrated his stomach. Another blew his left hand almost off. He was wounded in both legs. While the shells were still falling, Cpl. Bruce S. Nichols of the I & R platoon ran to Vander Linde's aid, put him in a jeep and drove him to the 2nd Battalion aid station in Wullersleben. Then Nickols drove back, still under fire, picked up Wenninger and drove him to the aid station.
During this barrage on Wullersleben, Lt. William J. Scull, who had taken over command of Co. I, was seriously wounded. T/5 Floyd J. Hawn, a Co. I medic, left his sheltered position, rushed to his CO's side and calmly and efficiently administered first aid. He remained with Scull throughout the barrage and was credited with saving the officer's life.