Table of Contents
France: Camp Lucky Strike
France: Luxembourg
Combat: Mosel River
Combat: Chasing the Tanks
Combat: Raversbeuren
The Rhine
The Rhine: Co. E Starts Across
The Rhine: Co. E's 2nd Platoon Crosses
The Rhine: Co. F Begins Crossing
The Rhine: Co. F Moves Toward Its Objective
The Rhine: Co. F Completes Crossing
The Rhine: Some Didn't Make It
The Rhine: Co A's Crossing
The Rhine: A Co. C Boat Is Sunk
The Rhine: The Reserve Companies Go Over
The Rhine: West of the Rhine
Into Central Germany
Into Central Germany: Co. C Held Up At Thal
Into Central Germany: Gossel
Into Central Germany: Wullersleben
Into Central Germany: Wizleben
Into Central Germany: Task Force Hart
Into Central Germany: VIII Corps
The End of the 354th
Appendix 1


On March 18 the Regiment started out in pursuit of the 11th Armored Division's tanks which were decimating the German forces to the south. The 2nd Battalion passed through Hahn at 1115. The 3rd Battalion moved to the southeast to reach the town of Rhaunen. Sniper fire was received. A 43rd Cavalry platoon of the 11th Armored had been ambushed on the outskirts of the village resulting in nearly all of its vehicles being destroyed and most of its men and officers killed or seriously wounded. Co. L moved on to the next town which had been secured by the tankers of the 21st Armored Infantry. A counterattack had put the town in German hands once more. As the company halted to get the situation from the tankers, the Germans opened up with an artillery barrage. The company spent the night in foxholes on the outskirts of the town. Early the next morning orders were received to take the town before daylight. In spite of the confusion caused by the artillery and the fact that the men were scattered, Capt. John R. Ellis Jr. reorganized the company and took the town without the loss of a man. During the night blocks were placed on all passable roads to the south and southwest and active patrolling was carried on by the 2nd and 3rd Battalions. Security forces were sent to Hausen, Bundenbach, Bollenbach, Sulzbach and Stipshausen. The prisoner count for the day was 230. The Regimental CP was moved to Gosenroth during the day and the next day it moved ahead to Griebleshied.

During the afternoon of March 19 the Regiment passed through Berschweiler, Wickenrod and Griebleshied without running into the enemy. The next morning the Regiment moved on again unmolested. The 1st Battalion crossed the Nahe River at the Kirn-Sulzbach ford while the 2nd crossed at the Fischbach ford. The 3rd Battalion's foot elements crossed at the Kirn ford and motor elements went over the Kirn-Sulzbach ford on their war to Hundsbach. The Regimental CP crossed the river and was established at Becherbach where the Regiment rested awaiting further orders. Security forces were sent to Jeckenbach, Lollbach, Schweinscheid, and Hoppstadton. During the advance from the Mosel the Regiment took 568 prisoners in six ' days. The Regiment stayed in the vicinity of Becherbach until March 24. Then they climbed in vehicles and made a motor march back across the Nahe River, retracing part of their route from the Mosel and then cutting off to the northeast In the direction of Coblenz.


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